
The best way to keep your Kakariki diet interesting is to mix things up. Provide pellets or complete food for at least 60% of their diet and treats like dried and sprouted seeds, fruits, green vegetables and seeding grasses for the other 40%.

Fill their feeding bowl or hide food in foraging toys for your Kakariki to find.

Full-Flavoured Pelleted Meals

Incorporate all of the necessary nutrients into your Kakariki’s diet every day.

You can get all 40 essential elements your Kakariki needs in their diet with Lafeber NutriBerries, which come in three flavours: Original, Tropical Fruit, and Sunny Orchard. Your Kakariki will be able to grasp them on their feet and enjoy them because of their small size.

There is a Pretty Bird Daily Select Small for those with tiny beaks. With this diet, there is very little waste.

Sprouting Seed By Soaking

As soon as you soak these seeds for a few days, you’ll have a sprouting grain full of vitamins and nutrients for your Kakariki.


For your Kakariki’s health, include green leafy vegetables like kale, rocket, and spinach in their diet. They’ll eat just about anything green. Sweet corn, carrots, and celery are a few of the many vegetables available.


To reduce waste and feeding costs, the Parakeet Diet comprises human-grade ingredients that are 99 percent edible.We love the Naturals Pick ‘n Fly collection of grasses and the magnesium and phosphorus-rich millet sprays.


Natural fruits are so tasty that it’s impossible to go wrong. A variety of dried fruits are available for your convenience, and they provide the same nutritional benefits.

Mango, Apple, Cranberry, Other Sweets and Snacks

Additional goodies for your Kakariki include the following, which have proven to be famous:

Jellies for Parrots, Palm Nut Fruit Extract Oil, Sesame Sticks

Fruit, Strawberry, Orange, and Kiwi flavours are all available in the treat sticks for smaller birds.

The following is an excellent piece of advice:

Foraging is a natural part of Kakariki’s behaviour. You may see them scratching their feet and spreading the food in their bowls. Some owners store dishes in larger containers to limit the mess. You may also explore goods like the Seed Corral or Parrot Food Mate.

Please be aware:

We recommend purchasing the smallest bag/pack you can afford to test out your Kakariki first. Introducing a portion of new food can take some time and patience. 

A look at the many toys for Kakarikis and the most popular ones from each.

Toy Scavenging

When it comes to chewable and reusable foraging toys, some come prefilled with food, while others require you to add rewards yourself.

These toys require them to chew and shred their way through the textures before they can find what they’re looking for. Cardboard and paper make the Shred & Spin and Unicorn Pinatas for your Kakariki.

Foraging toys like the Buffet Party Ball. Your Kakariki will learn to forage their food if you use the Scarlett Small and Foraging Fruit Racks.

Wooden and Rope Toys

Wood is good for chewing, and the rope is ideal for preening your Kakariki.

The Beaded Triangle is a triangle of softwood with beads and a cord attached for smaller birds.

Toys made of coconuts or cacti.

These are made of materials that the Kakarikis enjoy picking at and chewing on.

The Bird Kabobs line is the best example of this type of toy. Agave or cactus wood is used to make it. Kakariki Chips come in three sizes: Mini, Standard, and Parrot Chips.

Toys Made of Willow And Palm

Pick, preen, and unravel a plethora of fibres.

Kakariki chewers enjoy the softer vine munch balls found in the Willow Wizard.

Toys Are Made of Both Acrylic and Metal.

Kakariki can twist and rotate the sections of these constructed of more rigid materials.

Toys Made of Cardboard and Paper

A lot to shred and ruin for your Kakariki

Soft cardboard is used to make Birdie Bangles, which come in two styles: pipes and rings.

Sock Toys

These little toys are designed to be picked up by your Kakariki with their paws. Feet, beaks, and wits all benefit from their presence.

Fun For Your Kakariki to Unravel.

Sneaker Foot Toy with untreatable laces for your bird. Aside from that, you can use them to conceal rewards.

Equipment for Children to Exercise Their Bodies

Perfect for allowing your curious and energetic Kakariki to run around and have a good time.

Many different shapes can be created by bending the Coloured Ladder into various configurations.

Toys that Make a Sound

Like other parrots, Kakarikis prefer toys that make as much noise as they do, much like themselves.

When your bird moves the Tumble Bell, it makes a cheerful chiming sound.

Involvement and Trick Toys

You and your Kakariki will get closer as a result of this activity.